✏️My Entry to the "Pay It Forward Curation Contest" week 3 by @thedarkhorse✏️

Help to spread the words!!! The words of new members or minnows that are worth to be read by more people. How ?? Just take part in this great contest by @thedarkhorse where you write about 3 Steemians who are worthy to receive some support.
Isn't it a great way to support the community and help each other grow? Yes it is😃
Pay it forward pic.png

To read more about the contest and to enter

-->click here<--

Here are the three Steemians that I chose:


  1. »»-------------@artisani-------------««
    I discovered today her introduction post wich is very apealing to me. She is an artist from Germany and writes in her introducemyself post about herself, how she found the expression of her art and about her art in itself. She plans to write more about her art and to give more insight to the background of it.
    Read her very first Steemit post here :

  2. »»-------------@nikiam-------------««
    A Scottish woman with a wide range of interests that overlaps a lot with mine. I just had to choose her 😉.
    In her introduce post she adresses problems with the Scottish independence and she want to write more about her view on that subject in the future which sounds very interesting. Furthermore, I think we can expect beautiful Scottish landscape photographs from her, as she already has 2 stunning pictures in her post.
    Take a look at her post ::

  3. »»------------@richardtaylor--------------««
    Who the hell is Richard Taylor? He asks himself in his post 😉. He is on Steemit since a few months but wasn't much active. Now he got a kick from a friend to be more active and tadaaaa there is a very motivated introduction post 😃. I really like his writing style and I'm sure if he stays active we will read a lot more interesting stuff from him. So please help to keep him motivated by showing up on his blog and give him some feedback😃:

Everybody of the people i chose please feel free to join the contest right now or later when you have settled down a bit 😉. This is a weekly contest!

Spread the words!!!

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