Week 19: Pay It Forward Curation Contest My Entry


Hello everyone hope you are all well. This is my 3rd week doing a entry in this contest. I am still learning how to this all correct. I want to say that I am sorry to my entries as I am late to game. I was out of town but still hope some of you will take a look at what they are doing. Both struck me fast today as I was looking around for people to hightlight. I want to thank @darkhorse for getting me into this. Also @ wolfhart for bringing me to PIF.

My first entry this week is @el-nailul Rep 53 also possible some of you have seen the post done by his man it is clear that he takes time to work on each of his post and also clear the he support the good ideas here on steemit. I am asking you to take a look at a new post where he really shows you who he is. And for people like me that do this as a hobby reminds how power steem can be in this world. He is also for sure a believe in steemit. He backs that up by growing his account when cashing out could help him more than most. Please read it Here I want to say that this was a great read for me. I want to thank @freedomshift as I found this post look through the ccc tag.

My second entry this week is @rajat1802. I also found his post as I looked around in the CCC tag and was impressed with how much info and time he puts into his post. Also a bit disapointed at the attention he is getting when he is clearly working hard. There are many post this week to share but I enjoyed this one It took me to a place that I didn't know about and also was well done.

Thank you for taking the time to look into my entries if you can. Also thank you to all the sponsors and the many others that support this contest.


"Curation Circle Creed"

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