Reality Is Realistic: The Love For Humanity VS The Love Of Money And Power... Which One Will Prevail?

The Consensus is that war is a fatality of life, that Nature  condemns man to remain an animal and fall prey to immorality because She made him cruel, gullible and greedy. The problem with such  a Consensus is that it breeds a mindset disrespecting life as a whole, and thus immoral. The paramount of this immorality is without a  doubt the 'business' of military interventions and  silently watching or supporting them. That immorality springs  from the ignorance of the Cause and Effect, a Natural Law, setting into  motion a dual dynamics that will eventually turn against those  who did nothing -- or decided to ignore the issues.  

Holographic Reality being a Natural Law, nobody should  feel safe when allowing the perpetuation of destruction  enforced upon others. As long as humans tolerate the act of war, don't request the  dismantlement of standing armies, it will remain impossible to thrive  and begin to reinvent the meaning of societies. 

The Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies exuberance is quickly becoming meaningless in the face of another world war brewing. Even if not one bomb is dropped, the claptrap of surveillance society will then be implemented to sustain the climate of fear and the electronic prison control all our very moves.  If you haven't read yet the blog titled Decentralization At Odds With A Deadly Paradigm. We Cannot Have It Both Ways!, please do so now because it will help greatly connect more dots and grasp the pitfall of following the money .

Analyzing the phenomenon of war is highly discombobulating because it voids all values attributed to  life, not to mention also questions man's made laws giving any ruling powers the absolute right over life and death. The legacy of a society motivated by the  'art of killing' leaves the imprints of a Generational PTSD operating as mind control that makes so many feel powerless in the prospect of a war... or used by whatever politician to obtain masses' consent.  

The Love for humanity does not require to hug everybody while continually screaming the word peace out of our lungs but the comprehension that the assimilation of this PTSD marks the beginning of long journey on the path toward self-healing.  In short, saving and loving Humanity starts with the resolution of inner conflicts. 


Washington Is Preparing for Nuclear War in Europe (

North Korea tested hydrogen bomb that can be mounted on ICBM – state TV ( 

The Coming Techno Apocalypse :  man against machine and man against machine-man. (wakingtimes)

South  Korea is ‘to be allowed to stockpile more ballistic missiles to counter  threat from Kim Jong-un’ after Trump agrees to revise joint treaty (  South Korea buys worth of billions of dollars of US military hardware. 

Putin warns US, North Korea tensions on verge of 'large-scale conflict' (

U.S. nears $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia (reuters)

India, U.S. and Japan Begin War Games, and China Hears a Message (nytimes) 

Pakistan threatens to DESTROY India with nuclear bomb as atomic enemies edge to the brink of war ( 2016)

China will stop America if it attacks North Korea first (


Reality Is Realistic: Leader In AI will Rule The World... Putin Says | Strong  AI, Micro Wave techonlogy And High Health Risks of 5G | From Programmable Matter To *BLACK Goo* , The Sentient Substance | AI For The Betterment Of Mankind.... Or Perpetual Warfare? | Universal Basic Income Foreshadows The Upcoming Hunger-Game Society | The fear of the possibility of Chaos is the fear of true Freedom! |   Materialism At Odds With Freedom And Decentralization      | Decentralization At Odds With A Deadly Paradigm. We Cannot Have It Both Ways! | The fear of the possibility of Chaos is the fear of true Freedom!   |  Materialism At Odds With Freedom And Decentralization   |   Let's Talk Of Our Millennia Old and Generational PTSD more: @earthcustodians

The Earth Custodians Movement is for humans wishing to  remain humans; refutes both capitalism, socialism (monetarism and any  form of trade/barter); is an endeavor promoting mindset transitioning   to escape the gulag of an hunger game type of society, managed by a  technocracy that will determine the basic income that individuals need to  avoid starvation and a have roof over their heads.   The  Earth  Custodians promotes  a  different  way of  thinking to address any current human  crises. We cannot resolve the  problem with the same mindset that created it.   Earth Custodians know that it is the end of the monetary paradigm   so they watch all the events at play and only have invested in their   higher-self. They have nothing to lose. Mainstream Psychology is on  its death bed.  Yes, it is  possible to see way  ahead of the curve, and   if  it takes one  generation for a  money-free society to take shape,   that shouldn't  prevent anyone from  taking  action, and  using money  to  spread  the  word until a critical  mass  (20%  of  population) is   reached.  Please  do not hesitate to  visit our   website and forum  

Thank you in advance for resteeming and upvoting such important topics and spreading the aims of the Earth Custodians!!

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