Reality Is Realistic: The Science Of Vibration Will Redefine Spirituality, Bad News For Atheists And Fundamentalists Alike (PART2)

This blog is the continuation of the previous one, establishing the theory of Vibration as a Natural Law. Meaning a Law that humans cannot bend. And when they do, Vibration does no longer serve the higher self but its imprisonment as explained in the article and video below.  This should help one paying a detailed attention to what the music industry is selling the masses on a daily basis.  The hypnotic effect (or spell) will stop working as soon as one does that. Guaranteed!  This awareness will raise your inner vibrations and help see which "vibratory mind control" exists around you. 

Bad News For Atheists And Fundamentalists Alike? Yes because instead of keeping both disciplines separated, we can just merge them! Divide and rule is over!

The oscillations between waves  are set by the intensity of the latter. Any living organism emits waves so oscillations are too a Natural Law: This called the Principle of Rhythm. The 4th Natural Law. And at another level, the same oscillations are behind motions like the tides or even seasons, all goes through a cycle then come back to its initial point. In human thinking, there is one very popular and century old quote that is now making a lot of sense: what come around goes around, is how the Law Of Rhythm has been perceived throughout the ages. 

Of course, it is  also important to grasp that the Law Of Rhythm can bring about all good. Because if bad actions come back to haunt us, eventually at some point (and often future generations pay the price for the current one's mistakes), good actions set into motion can be returned by as many folds. The only stake here is to be able to recognize a good from a bad action. 

The Greater Good will always manifest in the absence of coercion. Perfection does not exist, so the least coercive society is the less violent it is. And the most coercive tool is economics. So we really have a big issue on our hands to resolve and with WW3 looming and world powers pouring billions of dollars in AI weaponry, how ought to ask ourselves how can we beat the Law Of Rhythm? Reverse its negative impact?  Well, let's do anything we can to stop war by spreading the word about these Natural Laws is absolutely KEY!

How Much Materialism Is Good?: Materialism is good as long as competition is regarded as inimical and detrimental to the human species. Materialism only becomes immoral when used to buy 'time or favors' at the expense of others. This chapter explains why first going down the path of materialism was ineluctable in order to discover the ramifications   of everything.   The Inevitable Monetization of Negative Impacts: Problems are more profitable and if going down the path of profits, monetarism will amplify the latter. Arms races illustrate this pretty well, and the same holds true at every level. This chapter describes the flaws embedded in any monetarist theory. 

Reality Is Realistic: The Science Of Vibration Will Redefine Spirituality, That The Fundamentalists And Atheists Like It Or Not (PART1) 

The Power of Music: Mind Control by Rhythmic Sound

  • October 19, 2012.....  The mystery runs deeper than previously thought, according to  psychologist Annett Schirmer reporting new findings today at the Society  for Neuroscience meeting in New Orleans. Rhythmic sound “not only  coordinates the behavior of people in a group, it also coordinates their  thinking—the mental processes of individuals in the group become  synchronized.”This finding extends the well-known power of music  to tap into brain circuits controlling emotion and movement, to actually  control the brain circuitry of sensory perception. This discovery helps  explain how drums unite tribes in ceremony, why armies march to bugle  and drum into battle, why worship and ceremonies are infused by song,  why speech is rhythmic, punctuated by rhythms of emphasis on particular  syllables and words, and perhaps why we dance....  Next the researchers attached electrodes to the scalp of such subjects  to determine if the brain’s electrical activity was somehow affected by  the rhythm of the sound. The EEG recording detects the combined  electrical activity of thousands of neurons working together in the  cerebral cortex. Just like the roar of a crowd at a baseball game, waves  of electrical activity in the brain are generated when individual  neurons in the cerebral cortex are combined in action. The EEG  recordings showed that the waves of brain activity (alpha and beta  waves) became synchronized around the auditory rhythm. That is, the  ongoing oscillations of brain waves became phase shifted so that the  peak of the wave always occurred at a precise point relative to the next  beat in the drum rhythm. Rhythmic sound synchronizes brain waves..... MORE:

The Secret Power Music Holds Over You

True Holistic Knowledge You Weren't Told In High School!

How could Pythagoras, one of the most prominent mathematician ever be interested in the mysticism of Vibration, the Sound from the Divine? 

Pythagoras' Music of the Sphere

(Holistic Scientist) Scott McGill, Professor of Classics, Rice University, and Christopher M.  Johns-Krull, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University,  discuss Pythagoras, NASA, and the centuries that separate them. 

Please scroll down and check out  the other blogs about  our  dystopian future,  and keep doing your home work, find out for  yourself.  The  truth is out  there, really! Keep always in mind that    there only is  ONE AND SOLE conspiracy, that of knowledge vs  ignorance,   and which translates in many flavors and fashions. The  Earth  Custodians is not a "bad news blog" as it promotes a different  way of  thinking to address any current human crises. We cannot resolve  the  problem with the same mindset that created it. Our reality has been hijacked by 'scientism' (atheistic science)

Ready to accept that materialism must be let go and for 'mindset transitioning' ? Materialism At Odds With Freedom And Decentralization

Human emotions being ruled by physics, Earth Custodians call  for   the adoption of a different  way of  thinking to promote  conflict  resolutions. Different but not new, because  such concepts were already  debated  two thousands years ago: they are keys to grasp  the  unhealthy  mechanics driving people's need  for power  structures,   and  as how to overcome them as well. Mainstream Psychology is on its    death bed.  Yes, it is possible to see way   ahead   of the curve, and  if  it takes one generation for a money-free  society to take shape,  that  shouldn't prevent anyone from taking   action, and  using money to  spread  the word until a critical mass  (20%  of   population) is  reached.  Please do not hesitate to visit our   website and forum    

Thank you in advance for resteeming and upvoting such important topics and spreading the aims of the Earth Custodians!!

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