Good X Bad – What Is It and Does It Even Exist?

Previous articles from the series

  1. Truth
  2. Life Pillars
  3. Everything is Scale
  4. Sadness
  5. Good X Bad



Everyone knows those words and presumably even its meaning. Very few though have given them serious thought, despite the frequent usage. I’ll try to share my point of view that have been established with help of my good friend @hr1.

The misconception


A virus has been found on the page of the source so I will not share it

People tend to think that things have set Good/Bad quality. What I mean by that is that they think that truth about what is good and what is bad actually exists. Well it doesn’t. What more, to an extent even Good and Bad doesn’t exist outside of our elusive minds. Let me elaborate.

The Good and Bad from the point of view of the Truth


I strongly recommend reading the article about the Truth that I have already linked twice. It is a cornerstone of the philosophies that will happen in this article. Done? Cool. If you do not agree with the Truth how I explained it feel free to polemize with me even under this article. If you do not feel the need I take it as an agreement and we can continue.

The only viable point of view in deciding whether Good or Bad really exists is the Truth. We could also call it “the universal concept” in this case. Good and Bad cannot exist without a subjective point of view that it would be anchored to. When it is anchored to the universal truth, what effectively happens is that the subjective point of view is anchored to an objectivity. From the point of view of the universal concept all the actions are just actions. Infinite amount of 1 and 0 in infinite amount of branches leads again to only 1 or 0 at the end. In other words, the action, be it anything, just happens. I wouldn’t go as far to say that nothing changes, because it might very well be wrong, but definitely nothing bad or good happens neither. This should prove that Good/Bad ultimate does not exist when the universal concept is the point of view. But people (me included) still use it. Why is that so?

The Good and Bad from the point of view of the individual

Why does the humanity keep on using tool that presumably doesn’t exist? Well because everything that is in our minds does exist at least in that limited environment (be it good/bad, value of cryptocurrency, you name it). Not that it would exist directly, but it does exist through a symbol, a representation of an idea. So there has to be something that people gain from having such a symbol in active usage.


Being able to label something as Good or Bad saves tons of our processing capacity. Every human being has various things that trouble/piss/worry him. To him, those things are Bad, despite the fact that the things are not Bad at all from the point of the Truth. By being able to do the shortcut and realize that the thing is unwanted and that defensive measures have to be taken saves a lot of energy. And vice versa of course. Also, using those easy words people can easily transfer the meaning to others, instead of lengthy explanation that could cost even more resources than just the time.

People also have the tendency to combine the actions that are happening with subjective point of view. In other words, people willingly admit, that “Bad” stuff is happening to them. Negative actions happen to everyone. No one is absolved. Instead of trying to find peace with the negativity that is affecting us, it’s much easier to just internally (but even externally) complain that Bad stuff is happening. This have a serious negative effect on the well-being. Actually no positive outcome occurs when people take personally actions (thus labelling it as Good or Bad) that are happening. In order to preserve the well-being it’s necessary to eliminate that and take actions as they have happened and as they really are without connecting it to the subjective level.

As in every (not only) metaphysical article, this is just my point of view. I would be more than happy if you shared your point of view. Actually… I insist! :)
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