The Greatest Gift Of Life is Being Able To Like Who You Are! What Are The 10 things I Like About Myself ? What are Yours?

What are the things You like about yourself? What makes You a better person? What can we do to change our world? We have to start first within ourselves. Do whatever you feel you should do and follow your intuition, listen to your inner voices. They are always right.



Author, Life, Executive Coach, Change Motivator, Speaker “José Micard Teixeira" made me contemplate because I have so many questions reading his wonderful poetry. He inspired me to list 10 things I like about myself. Maybe you could write yours in the below comments. I would love to get to know my "no face" followers a bit better.

When you concentrate on the good in yourself, you create more of it. You may not even believe it, but the solution for many of your problems lies in not giving them any importance at all. Don’t get too attached to what you think is your karma, because you may end up giving up on a lot of things for not seeing yourself capable of doing more or differently. You’re here to accomplish, but also to create. Do whatever you feel you should do, say whatever your heart asks you to say, be the person you wish so much to be, and you will see how all of that is going to take to where you’ve never thought you’d go. Build your life in a way that you won’t allow anyone to destroy it. Develop your generous spirit. Celebrate each moment you spend with yourself. Earn life with what you give. Thank those who are grateful to you. Let go of what’s holding you down so you can always have your hands free. Be great in the words you choose to pronounce and in the gestures you decide to have. Remember that everything you do to someone, you’re also doing it to yourself. And don’t forget that if you wander away from your truth you will inevitably live in a lie, simply because honesty only makes sense when what you think, say and do is no longer a representation of who you’re not, but of who you intend to keep on being.”


What are the 10 things I like about myself ?

To answer this question is actually not as easy as I thought first. I will try because I am in the middle of a big transition and my self-esteem a bit crushed but I do accept changes as they present themselves to me for now. I keep motivating myself to keep my head up and come out of my shell, crystal walls need to fall and they do.

- I am caring and compassionate, more for animals than humans sometimes because they never hurt nor disappoint me. I am crying when I see any living being suffer. 

- I am adventurous, spontaneous and streetsmart, sometimes even fearless. I created a very exciting life experience with those talents. I was always told that I am ambitious, even intelligent but lazy. Living life as it flows is my best teacher, therefore I was never disciplined enough to study at university.

- I am a fighter for justice and freedom , a free spirit as many of my friends call me. I got myself in many troubles and calmed down a lot coming with age but my soft-heart has also a very thick protection around.  

- I can love deeply without conditions , accept people for their uniqueness without wanting to change them. I might be considered as too emotional and passionate, simply too much for some colder hearted people. 

- I am curagous and nothing can stop me when I remember my goals and dreams , sometimes I forget what I want but I always know what I do not want.

- I appreciate and recognize beauty and can feel or see it , even create it. I inspired many people I met on my path and always help some to rise to a higher emotional level even though I forget myself at times.

- I am loyal as long as I trust but if I loose my belief in people I run very far away and never look back 

- I am so curious, love to grow and learn more and more ! Thats why I enjoy this platform so much. I never get stuck in the past for too long and live the best out of my present and craving to know what the future brings 

- I am forgiving even though its hard to do but thankful for all gurus teaching me about gratitude and first of all self - forgiveness. 

- I am passionate and even though I lost some of my fire but I am laughing a lot 

Self sabotage always appears and once in a sudden I started thinking about all those things I do not like about myself but best to push this disturbing little devil in my brain far away. 

I hope, I inspired you with my thoughts of today.

Thanks to @leondani to inspire me and get me in that mood of self reflection with this song on @radiosteem 



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