The Sounds of Silence

"Hello darkness my old friend.

I've come to talk with you again."


Paul Simon

wrote this song as a teenager in the bathroom with the door closed and the light off. It is something my kids do when they get upset or are just frustrated with things. They hide in the dark. Sometimes they put a blanket over their head or like Paul Simon they go in the bathroom and turn the light off. I tried it too and even brought my guitar. The silence has a music of its own that I feel sorry to break. The darkness enhances our ears ability to listen to sounds and helps us to become aware of the true surroundings. There are no visual distractions. There is no media, just me and my guitar.

Allegory of the Cave

Darkness does have it's place but I can't stay there too long. Just long enough to appreciate the light around me. Although darkness makes my senses aware and helps me to realize who I am I can not stay in darkness. We all know the allegory of the cave in book five of the Republic. Those who lived in darkness could only see the shadows of things that passed by. They could not see the actual being itself. Finally when they were loosened from their chains and brought to the light it was too late. They did not recognize the light to be good at all. Their eyes were so used to the darkness that when they sensed light they could only sense pain. They were so angry at the men who "set them free" that they killed the men who brought them to the light. This was the life of the martyr of the philosophers and truth seekers of history. There are some well known martyrs and some unknown by the world. They each gave their lives for the truth. They shined a light that the world was not ready to understand.

Tales from the Crypt

Darkness is where each one of us begins. When I think back to 6 months ago I knew nothing about block chain except for some bitcoin news that suddenly showed up on my phone. I learned about currencies first by downloading a wallet and mining. I was still in the dark following shadows. I came to Steemit and a whole new world opened up. I found people in the same boat. We shared our stories and struggles together. This was a wonderful light I have never seen in a social network before. Yet if I share what I learn and explain it to people I get these answers,

"That's too complicated. Can't it be easier?" "Can't you see it is just a pyramid scam?" "You don't know anything about it yet. You should stay away from it."

I feel like people are in the dark ages when it comes to the crypto world. They think I am talking about tales from the crypt if I bring up any thing from Steemit I learned.

Sounds of Silence Lead to Light

Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus.

People believe the cutest things and I can see why remaining in darkness is a good place to hide and reflect and listen but step by step we have to help them get out of the darkness. The sounds of silence are brilliant only when they lead us to the light.


Note: To understand this post best please reference the previous post:

One small step for man.

Come into the light.





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