I WAS HACKED! I'm not a spammer!

Hi everyone. Earlier this morning I received a comment on my post about Evie, A Day in the Life of My Toddler. Here's the screenshot of the comment:


I admit, I'm still a newb, and I liked the thought that my cute little post had made it to the trending page. So, naively, I clicked the link. I later noticed that I wasn't logged into Steem. My husband and I are at the library because we are out of power due to some heavy wind storms we had this morning. I thought it was just because we haven't been to the library in a while and my computer didn't recognize the network. So, I logged in, using my master key.

Next thing I know I'm getting GINAbot notifications that I upvoted my own comment, one right after another. I don't upvote my own stuff anymore, and getting notifications for something I know I didn't do raised many red flags. Especially when I saw the comments that had been made using my account.


And that's just a couple of them.

I changed my keys as fast as I could, and it instantly stopped, but not before about 10-11 comments had been made from my account. I was able to remove the upvotes from the phished comments, but for some reason I'm not able to edit them out. They all contain phishing links, so if you see those comments, DO NOT click the links. Please, I don't need anyone else to get phished because of my stupidity.

A huge thanks goes to @bex-dk for replying to my phished comments on my behalf, since I wasn't able to edit or delete them. Also many many many thanks to @neander-squirrel, the creator of @ginabot. If not for her notifications, this could've been FAR worse.

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