#124 Streets of the Basque Capital (1) 巴斯克首府街头(一)| 摄影月旦评

Hello fellow Steemians, in this post and the following ones, I'm going to show you some parts of Vitoria Gasteiz. It is the capital city of the Basque Autonomous Community in northern Spain.

各位周末好~ 在这几篇帖子里,请跟我一起来看看西班牙巴斯克自治区的首府 -- 维多利亚市的几处街头景象。对,巴斯克就是北边老是闹独立的那块地方~

Like many non-European tourists, except for those famous Spanish destinations like Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Granada and some islands, I only knew Bilbao and San Sebastián in this part of Spain. I never heard of Vitoria Gasteiz until my road trip to northern Spain, and it turned out to be a huge gem. It was awarded the title of European Green Capital in 2012 and it is consistently ranked as one of the 5 best places to live in Spain.


I witnessed these kids playing on the iron bench with the poor statue, and captured the scene with my camera. I found it pretty amusing - the statue's serious face versus the kids' having fun. =) You can't expect naughty children to behave like adults - sitting next to the statue on the bench. Are they being creative by sitting on his shoulder or are they just damaging public properties? What do you think? :)


Here are some more street shots from the same city:

Happiness is simple. Sometimes it is just a basketball and a little space to play.

How would you title this photo?

Feels like paparazzi when shooting this one ;)
下面这张是不是有种狗仔抓拍明星的既视感? ;) 我很钦佩这些上了年纪依旧精心打扮的人们,虽然我自己常常是素面朝天、休闲舒服地就出了门,除非心血来潮或重要场合,一般懒得花时间多加修饰。我不是提倡妆容精致或穿着得体,而是欣赏他们浑身上下散发出来的不放弃人生的那股正能量~ :)

Looking at each other:

Here's a photo of the grass city name of this green capital. :) More about Vitoria Gasteiz in the coming post. Stay tuned and see you soon... =)

最后一张是我在市中心广场看到的草皮做成的维多利亚市名,估计是因为“欧洲绿色之都”的美名吧。下一篇中会奉上更多这座独特巴斯克首府的照片~ :)


A few posts I did before about kids on the street:

Kids & Mangoes & Life 孩子和芒果(的哲思 ;p)
The Busker and His Soulmate 街头知音
By the Scheldt River of Antwerp(1) 失望的小女孩
Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 一些旅途中的微笑
A Syrian Girl Feeding a Cat 喂猫的叙利亚女孩

Previous posts about Northern Spain:

Framed Playa de la Concha in San Sebastián 贝壳湾
Bird Nests near Burgos 鸟巢们

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多
Photos shot by Canon Kiss X3

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 42.847810 lat -2.674370 long Vitoria Gasteiz, Spain d3scr

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