"A wonderful bird is a pelican,
His bill will hold more than his belican.
He can take in his beak
Food enough for a week;
But I'm damned if I see how the helican."
- Dixon Lanier Merritt -
I finally got to the beach today.
I've been dry for months, working too hard. Today it was past time, and I took my granddaughter with me to go surfing.
The waves were somewhat large and rough, so we mostly played around inshore and cooled off. Good exercise, good fun.
Did you know that pelicans surf too?
I've written about it before, and today found this remarkable article about the technical skill that surfing requires of them. Amazing!
While watching the sunset, I captured this series of photos of pelicans surfing.
There are five photos in the series.
The pelicans are catching a wave at about the vertical middle of the images. They enter from the left and exit to the right.
Pelicans Surfing 1 - Original image by @creatr
all I had at hand was my smartphone camera, and so the resolution is marginal...
Pelicans Surfing 2 - Original image by @creatr
If you click on each image, you will open a full-sized version thereof, and looking closely, you should be able to spot the birds.
Pelicans Surfing 3 - Original image by @creatr
In this middle image (above),
The pelicans are almost between the surfers and the sunset.
Pelicans Surfing 4 - Original image by @creatr
Pelicans surfing are a sight to behold.
Go down to the Pacific shore one day and watch them.
Pelicans Surfing 5 - Original image by @creatr
This video does a better job than my photos.
If you find this at all intriguing, watch the video...
Pelicans Surfing Video courtesy of V Hold and YouTube
When I watch the pelicans surfing,
I am impressed by the glory of their Creator, Jesus/God, who designed them and programmed them to be able to enjoy the waves for sport even as I do.
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For more about Surfing, CLICK our Library Surfing Shelf.

Introducing: The SILVERengines proton - Image by @creatr
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