"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." ~ George Bernard Shaw
taken with my HP PhotoSmart C945 exposure time 15.01 seconds (likely should have tried this at four times the exposure) Still I like the deep red on thick black background. Maybe not a grab ya kinda pic for clickability...but certainly has an alien feel to it...imo (Note: for those of you that are unaware, you can right click on the photo to view in larger format)
If you came to look at the photos, thank you and as you can see marigolds and old wheel barrows are nothing special really. So I'm just trying to spice things up by adding a bit of myself into the mix. This post is also being entered into a contest so I'm required to use 300 words minimum. Plenty to say too much, but you be the judge...lol...I can't stop you.
I can't explain why I like going out in the middle of the night to stalk interesting subjects. Perhaps it's the absence of the daytime hustle. I like the night life. I like to woogie! I just made up a word...wait...let me check that...seems I've heard it before...somewhere...bbs. Lol...how could I have forgotten?
...oh go ahead and watch the video...you just might find yourself laughing!
I've seen his act, even sat at his table and enjoyed a few sweet 'n sweaty boogie sandwiches on the dance floor with a couple of the ladies that seemed to escort the man every where he went. Maybe it was more...pretty much a blur in my memory now. As were the hot shots of tequila, frosty cold high test beer and the seeming never ending fat bluntz continuously circulating the smokey parking lot...talk about yer burnouts :D
Then things went dark and I honestly can't remember much more from that night or the next morning. I could have awoken on a steel slab with holes and rectangles cut out of it (torture) and iron bars for windows.
I could've just as easily awoken on a king sized bed with no covers...in the midst of some beautiful, wildly wondrous strangers. I also could have woken up in time to get to work...I honestly don't remember. Don't tell me you haven't had nights like these. I've matured since those days...well to be honest...I've just slowed down...alot! ;)
This next subject was found in the same place. A community garden that is just a few minutes away from where I live now. I often like to go out and take pictures, either with just my phone while listening to music, or I'll bring my cheap HP camera and a tripod with me for time exposure shots. I haven't had much time lately and I still have so much to learn about photography. I can't afford expensive equipment but I do get compliments on some of my pictures I've shared with others. Let me know what you think...would/could you?
These were taken the same night with the same camera and same settings as the above
I hope you enjoyed stumbling/bumbling/fumbling around in the dark with me as much as I did you. If you like my pics, yes all the pics are mine. I've never posted them anywhere before...so this is kinda like my debut amateur moment! The video is courtesy of gilothia at YTube.
Oh wait I'm not quite telling the truth with that last statement. click here to see my debut yesterday. Flora and fauna...and whatnot. Follow me to see what I have in store for you over the next week as I do my darndest to be in the running for 5000 SP to delegate for a whole week for @merej99 . If you don't know who she is then you should follower her as well. She a darling of the minnow and whale class alike...and everyone/thing in between.
This was fun! It's gotta be better than that hot steam'n pile of Steemit I posted in my introduceyourself just a few short weeks ago. :p
Just one more thing, I'd much prefer you leave a comment rather than an upvote. It's part of the 'Putting my money where my mouth is - A Community Challenge' and you can find out more about that on my blog page. So you'd be doing me a great favor if you would let me know what you think about this post...or the one at the link I just left...the What you DON'T like about Steemit one.
Again, thanks for looking...I hope you found some amusement for your time spent.