DEK Photography: Last Week's Photos in a Single Post!

Here are all of last week's photos, in order of publication, which I posted for your viewing pleasure. I hope you enjoy them, as much as I did taking them!

DEK Photography: Officer of Peace

As soon I saw him, I knew I had to take his photo. It's not often that you see a navy officer wearing a colorful backpack, more suited for a small child. The contrast was astounding.

DEK Photography: Officer of Peace
You can click for a bigger image! Taken at 50mm, f2.8, 1/30s, ISO 400. I wonder what was I shooting at that speed, before I stumbled on him?

I was hunting him for days. I knew the approximate time he came back home, but I was never able to catch a glimpse of him early enough, to take a photo from behind. So I gave up, after a week of trying.

And then one day, I saw him walking in front of me. Just like that! I knew I had to take the shot fast, while he was walking in the bright part of the street. I didn't even have time to change my settings and pressed the trigger while crossing a busy boulevard, trying not to fall behind. Before I knew it, he disappeared into his apartment building.

Most of the photo is out of focus. But what matters is spot on - a man of power and discipline, with a joyful backpack, showing us his true character - just a young boy, with a responsible job.

DEK Photography: The Cool Dude

He saw me take his photo. He didn't even flinch. That's how cool he was.

DEK Photography: The Cool Dude
You can click for a bigger image! He won't care!

It's a grainy photo, but it was dark. I was hunting for kitties on that alley - there are probably over fifty cats which gather there every evening, waiting to be fed.

Instead, I found the coolest cat on the street. Man, some people just look bad ass, regardless of their age.

DEK Photography: Into the Void

Remember the Cool Dude photo I posted yesterday (a.k.a. Picasso's double), which you liked so much? Here's the same alley, accepting an innocent lady in its dark embrace.

DEK Photography: The Tomcat
You can click for a bigger image! Go on, it's just infinite darkness!

Negative space is a powerful tool in a photographer's arsenal. It can create eye pleasing geometry, and if used properly, can also invoke feelings - joy, happiness or expectation and insecurity, the latter of which you see in this shot.

It's important to remember that a photograph is but a reflection of the viewer's mind. Where one may see fear, others find tranquility. And if you are a vampire, this photo simply reads "Food."

DEK Photography: Follow the Leader
People often forget to look up. It's just birds right? Flying biohazard!

Yeah, I don't really perceive them as majestic myself - more like a bunch of ill behaved, badly mannered and slightly drunk old friends, with super powers, who are always on a munch run. But they stick to each other and follow their leader.

He's the one wearing the white uniform. Wait up... maybe he's the only one naked?

DEK Photography: Follow the Leader
You can click for a bigger image! Don't worry, they won't... dammit, do you have a napkin?

DEK Photography: The Christmas Wish

I've just posted this one for the Steemit Photo Challenge - there's a color version available, which I will post in the future!

DEK Photography: The Soul of the City - SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #12
You can click for a bigger image!

It was right before Christmas, 2015. I and my girlfriend were walking on the city's main street, when suddenly she pointed me in the general direction of some shop and told me "Shoot, fast!".

It was two Roma girls, sharing a man's jacket, trying to keep warm. They didn't seem to care about the cold, as they kept pointing at different jewelry and talking to each other quietly.

I wonder if they got their Christmas wish?

Thank you for taking the time to look through this week's photos! Be sure to follow #dek-photography for more of my work!

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