DEK Photography: Underpass Graffiti

A couple of shots I took of some stunning graffiti, at a local underpass.

Underpasses are like a magnet for graffiti artists. There are vulgar drawings, clumsy drawings, unfinished run-away-the-police-is-coming-dude drawings, and then there are works of art, which deserve to be put in a museum of modern art history.

The evil cat. No, it's the Angry Cat. One eye in the shadows, the other peering right into the soul of the monkey in front of it. If cats take over the world, I know this will be their leader.

DEK Photography: Underpass Graffiti
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The pimp seagull. The Pimpull. The Seamp. However he is called, he's got more swag and bling than any of you, sore losers. I wish his pimpmobile was drawn behind him.

DEK Photography: Underpass Graffiti
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