Is Everyone Expecting Steem to Increase Price As Bitcoin?

It just occurred to me that if Steem was at the current price of BTC, some of us will be billionaires.

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So here's my question: Is Steem actually ready for an in increase in price? If people are willing to write at the current price of Steem, why would Steem ever increase in value?

These questions come from my argument (which I recently had with @l0k1) that there's no direct connection between the Steem currency and the Steemit network. The latter is just a blogging platform, which has chosen to use Steem instead of one of the other cryptocurrencies. At most, Steemit and we, as people using Steem, are only increasing investor confidence in the currency, because we're getting paid with it.

So, I ask the same question again - why would Steem ever increase its value, if people are happy getting paid for their work, at its current rate?

Check out my latest two submissions - a moody, but vivid scenic photo and some bashing on horoscope lovers! :)

DEK Photography: The Man Beneath the Clouds

In Today's Horoscope: You're an Idiot

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