Why Creativity And Not Begging Would Get You Far in Steemit

Asking for help seem to be "becoming a trend" these days. Charity is one proof of love, caring and sharing but my folks taught me - "charity when forced is no longer charity"- it's close to extortion.

It's freaking easy to help specially if you are able isn't it? However, helping someone too often could lead the person to become too dependent. Too dependent is not a good thing to develop - its the road to parasitism and creating an overly dependent community would hamper each individual's capacity to become the best that they can ever be. I don't think we would ever want that to happen. Do we?


If you have noticed I've resteemed two contests the last time I was here. I was hoping the begging spams in my chat would stop but I guess sometimes messages need to be worded and I'm trying my best to be as polite in doing so as possible.

Can you see the caterpillars below? Yes, they are all chewing on one brocolli leaf. When I saw them they gave me an idea of what to post. Unfortunately, I couldn't due to my very busy sched.

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See, @papa-pepper is running a contest and is throwing away his generosity in this post. When I took that pic it was during the night so taking a pic with a paper that shows my account name on it wasn't an option so I went back last Saturday to take another one at day time.

I resteemed it so the people spamming me in the chat would find a way to earning Steem the creative way. There are so many opportunities knocking on your doors you just have to open your eyes and find a way to do something to meet them. By the way, here's a video as a proof that I did take those pics which would pass as a proof. Yes, that's one of the rules. I read the posts people I follow throw here and sometimes, I upvote and comment on it.

This afternoon, I was still recuperating from fever, soar throat and chills in my garden when this lil' fellow showed up.

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It gave me the chance to have a second entry.

Yes, that's his lunch on his mouth. Here's the video of proof.

As a bonus, he decided to land on my hand and flew away when he's finished eating.


Why did I join? I would never say no to anyone's generosity and I have often written this line as a comment. However, whether I win or not doesn't matter. I had so much fun watching these lil' creatures do their stuff specially the damselfly. It's very seldom that one catches a damsel fly having lunch and to be able to capture and show it to you is I believe - what makes this post valuable. I haven't surfed the net to check if there's any footage of such a thing on the net but I don't think there's much. Most of the time they're just showing them laying their eggs in the water.

See ...you can say well, you have a lot of SP so you should help me or .. look for authors hosting contests, challenges and throwing gifts on their posts if you are after scoring some Steem but in my experience and the many authors who have been here for a year and are pioneer in posting here, it's mostly creativity that brought us this far and is still giving a lot of people a break through. Begging is never a solution. It could fend people off and you may actually unconsciously be pushing them away if you go on doing so.

Is it easy to be creative? Yes! If you believe that it is. It's all a matter of thinking out of the box, stepping out of your comfort zone, doing something that has never been done or posted in here and and being open to growth. Yes, yes, there are many other values to possess when Steemiting and if you could choose some more choose positive ones only. Those that would make you grow and take you far down the road in this community.

Before you click that submit story or even draft that novel you wrote - ask yourself .. and put yourself into your readers shoes... - what value could you get out of your post? If there's none then don't be surprised that no one paid you a visit.

I took each pic and both video with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 and no cute little creatures on plants were harmed in making this post.

Have you been Steemiting for a long time? Would you attest that it's creativity and not begging that got you this far?

edit : spelling correction

Here's my most recent post: **TIP : Don't waste your voting power on posts that have already been paid out.

Are you new in Steemit? Kindly read the Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide Revised Edition authored by @thecryptofiend to help us all get along well with each other. Hopefully you do get to read it now since there's nothing else that comes after it except that picture below.

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