My Tiny Garden - Echeveria Pulidonis

A cute Echeveria Pulidonis that I got in Lidl last year. They have some cool succulents from time to time if you would like to get some ;)

Echeveria pulidonis yellow flower 1.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/25, 1/320, 105mm, ISO400)

I thought all Echeverias would bloom with red (or reddish) flowers, but this one surprised me with pretty yellow bells. And that shape is just so elegant! I took those photos last year but I went to do some cleaning around the pots today and saw it is growing few more flower stems. Blooms multiple times a year? I like that!

Echeveria pulidonis yellow flower 4.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/25, 1/320, 105mm, ISO400)

The only problem I have with this one is propagating. I just can't succeed from a leaf cutting. This normally works for this type of succulent. You just snap a healthy leaf and leave it on top of the soil. It will eventually grow tiny roots and little rosettes.

This one instead started to grow little offshoots straight from the stem (they do that too of course, nothing unusual really). They are still very small, but soon (if I want to) I will be able to snap them off and plant separately. Or leave them and let the plant get bigger and bushier. Decisions, decisions...

Echeveria pulidonis yellow flower 2.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/25, 1/320, 105mm, ISO400)

Behind you can see a little orange bud. It is another Echeveria I have, but I don't know it's full name. Anyone? Which one of those light blue types bloom orange?

Echeveria pulidonis yellow flower 5.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/25, 1/320, 105mm, ISO400)

See the rosette? Light green leaves with that delicate powdery leyer and dark red edges. It is so pretty even if it doesn't bloom.

Previously on My Tiny Garden

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