My Tiny Garden - Graptopetalum Belum

Tiny pant with big flowers. I didn't know it will already bloom... just seemed to small. But them the flowers started to appear and WOW! Quite large for a succulent flowers in the more intensive pink shade.

Graptopetalum Belum flower 1.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/11, 1/100, 105mm, ISO100)

The leaves in dark emerald green sparkle and look like a flower on their own. You see here now small the plant it. It sits in a tiny 5 cm pot.

Graptopetalum Belum flower 2.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/11, 1/100, 105mm, ISO100)

And best past it that you can propagate it from a leaf. I had a few the fell of while I was repoting it and now they all grow small rosettes too. Soon I will have lots and lots of pink blooms :)
She doesn't like too much sun, so I have to hide it to the shade in the summer. Other than that it is so easy to grow!

Graptopetalum Belum flower 3.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/22, 1/50, 105mm, ISO125)

This post is with a dedication to Luz @blacklux.
I now how much she loves pink flowers :D

Previously on My Tiny Garden

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