Maldives Trip Day 4 - Sea Turtle Sighting!


On the morning of the 4th day we find ourselves at Malhoos. Check out this fancy map showing our entire route:


Malhoos is point 7 on the map. This was the map in the canteen/restaurant area that got updated on a semi-regular basis as the trip progressed. I actually wanted to take picture after every day so you get a daily sense of progress but it didn't get updated regularly (person doing it is clearly not a blogger!) enough for that to work.

This particular dive had everyone excited afterwards. We were diving a hug reef wall that descended into the unknown depths (45m) which looked impressive as hell already...


.. but at this point we encountered a sea turtle! Strangely enough in all the dives I have done a sea turtle is something I have only come across in captivity.


So I was pretty damn excited when I spotted him clinging to the reef above me having a swim about.


Little did I realise that a few short moments later he would decide to swim right past me. Now remember, I shot all this at wide angle on the gopro, which means everything in real life was closer that it appears on camera.. That turtle swam so close to me he nearly brushed me with his fins.. If I was a teenage girl my squeals of delight would have gone ultra-sonic by now.. only batman and dogs can hear me, thats how excited I was! Teenage girls: no offence intended.


After the sea turtle sighting we saw some pretty coral and stuff but really I was still thinking about that turtle and how much I wanted to get back to the boat and check out the badass footage I'd taken .. and whether or not the footage was indeed badass or if I had forgotten to press record, or took a great close up of my nostril...


But No! Success! I filmed the turtle and the video footage was decently steady.. steadier than most of my videos to date.. so double bonus!

See the full video footage of the sea turtle sighting here. Give it a spin, honestly.. the video is only about a minute long.. watch it:

Check out the previous posts in this series:
1.Maldives Trip - Day 1: The Epic Journey Begins!
2.Maldives Trip - Day 1: The Boat
3.Maldives Trip Day 2 - Looking for Manta Rays
4.Maldives Trip - Day 2 - Shark Encounter
5.Maldives Trip Day 3 - Reef Exploration
6.Maldives Trip Day 3 - Things don't go to plan

!steemitworldmap 3.998854 lat 72.721728 long Maldives Trip Day 4 - Sea Turtle Sighting! D3SCR

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