Interesting Places in Austria - Langbathseen

In my series "Interesting Places in Austria" i want to share the beauty of Austria with everyone out there. This is already the 3rd post concerning the beauty of my home county Austria. At the end of this post you can find links to the other articles i already wrote about this topic.

blue water, blue sky, colorful trees. picture: Florian Glechner


The Langbathseen are two lakes in upper austria wich are located near Ebensee. It is one of the smaller not so well known lakes in upper austria but i find it very beautiful especially in autumn. The colors of the leaves on the trees reflect in the water of the lake and this is always a very beautiful image. If you go there by car you can park near the first lake. The "Langbathseen" are 2 lakes wich share the same name, one is the "Voderer Langbathsee" the other "Hinterer Langbathsee" and both of them are very beautiful.

Nice reflection of the trees in the water of the Langbathsee. Picture: Florian Glechner

Best time

In my opinion the best time to visit this places is autumn because then there are a lot of interesting colors all around. The leaves on the trees, the water, the mountains in the background, and so on. Perfect time to take some photographs. In summer it is also very nice but i would rather go swimming at this time than taking photos.

If you want to take a hiking tour around the 2 lakes you will probably need about 2 hours. When i took the pictures there i was there for much longer time. Now in autumn and in winter the sun doesn't last very long because there are mountains all around the lake wich keep the sun away from it. In Summer and autumn there will be a lot of people around this place because it is a popular destination for nice walks.

Nice reflection in the Langbathsee

nice reflections

Because the water is very clear and calm most of the time, there are some realy nice reflection in the water from the surrounding trees and mountains.

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!steemitworldmap 47.834477 lat 13.688364 long Langbathseen d3scr

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