One photo every day: Vesijärvi lakescape (8/365)


Today I decided I must do the odd DSLR shot for my project. Ended up going to the harbour and shot some photos. I think from the two I ended up processing for web this one was the one I wanted to publish here. :)

siipiratas ja naurulokit
Paddlewheel and laughing black-headed gulls

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/8.0
Exposure: 1/160 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

Edit: Turns out the laughing gull (Leucophaeus atricilla) is an entirely different species to the Finnish black-headed gull, naurulokki (literally meaning "laughing gull", which comes straight from its Latin speciation: Larus ridibundus).

Scenery shots can be a bit dull at times, basically because the market for them is kind of over saturated, and those few good well-thought out ones are pretty hard to find among all the plain snapshots. So I decided not to do a mere snapshot and put some effort into it. I tried to find something extra to fill the space. I think I did quite well, since the paddle wheel and the seagulls add life to the otherwise possibly very boring scenery shot.

Keep watching this space, I'll be shooting more tomorrow.

[Previous post: Discussion time; "Depression" (+ photos) Best comments will be upvoted to the moon!]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:
365 followers? Okay. (1/365)
Kiemurainen (2/365)
Game of Go in our club, Saarto (3/365)
Bulldog statue (4/365)
Linnanmäki / Borgbacken (5/365)
The Ashtray (6/365)
Our bookshelf + Squiggles' home (7/365)

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