Photo Assignment...


I'm not giving a lesson around this one. What I'm asking you to do however, is to create a story based on this photo. (It'll be somewhat like a #contest really.)


  1. Base the story on any ideas you get from the one photo you see on this assignment post.
  2. The story should be at least 5 paragraphs long. Longer ones will be accepted too.
  3. Add exactly 3 photos of your own making to support and illustrate the story.
  4. Post the story in your feed, tagging it with the tags #storyfromphoto, #storytelling and #photography, and link it by commenting here.
  5. You have 2+ weeks to post your assignments, until 26th of December.

The Strict Rule:

The content of the stories must be your own and not plagiarized or copied from anyone! (I will be using all means possible to check the content; photos, stories that this does not happen.)

The Even More Strict Rule:

Have fun!

If the story is exceptionally good, I will give it a 100 % upvote, resteem, and a surprise gift transfer of an arbitrary amount of STEEM.

I will not use or copy your stories in any way. This will be your personal investment in your own future photography and storytelling talents. I am only offering these things as little carrots to motivate you.

Droplets, in 2012

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50 mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/2.2
Exposure:  1/60 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

I will give you guys about two weeks on this #photography assignment, and I will be both reading and critiquing them until the end of the month. I'll post a recap on this contest and we will see how it went down. :)

As the groundwork has now been laid, I will bid you a good night, and hopefully we will have a plentiful participation to this nice little assignment, starting tomorrow! :)

(If you want to sponsor this competition, please find and send @ambyr00/OPED a message on Discord, and we can sort out the details!)

Remember guys, the Deadline for submitting the stories is on 26th December 2017!

[Previous post: One photo every day: a Penguin and 2 Kuksas (166/365)]

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