One photo every day: a Penguin and 2 Kuksas (166/365)


How about a "studio" shot for change? No?

Sorry, you'll get one anyway. :) I didn't use the flash because I didn't want to wake up my boys. Instead I went for a long exposure. Here's a penguin with two kuksa cups.

Pingviini ja kuksat
Photographing my things.

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50 mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/3.5
Exposure:  1/8 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

I made the penguin! The kuksa cups I have received as birthday and Christmas presents some years ago.

The penguin "frame" is actually a leftover from a project I did in school some years back. I'll post you a photo later if I can find it.

But anyways, I hope you liked today's image! :) And have a nice day, good night etc.!

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: Three (crypto) caballeros]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Bridge in light snow cover. (158/365)
Pancake (159/365)
Snowfall (160/365)
Tree (161/365)
Joystick (162/365)
Library (163/365)
Lahti water tower (164/365)
Happy 100th Birthday Finland, here's a 100-Year Independence Cake to celebrate! (165/365)

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