Remember the photostory assignment? This is a reminder!

"Bruce Willis"
"If you won't participate, I will be very upset."

A while ago I posted a photostory competition/assignment. This post is a reminder that the deadline 26. Dec. is approaching soon. Any takers?

The prizes will be noticeable upvotes and there's even some STEEM for the best participants as I will be dividing 150 Steem amongst those three who I think post best original stories with photos. I will also share additional 50 Steem amongst those who get most upvotes.

To participate, read the rules on the post, and post the best photostory you can! :)

I will even throw in some commentary on the posts and photos when I see them. (Think of it as free advertisement for your blog!:)

Yep, that's for that. Now I bid you all Good Night for I'll be taking to the bed.

See Ya!

[Previous post: Photos from the memory lane: Miro 5 years ago, at 2 years old. :) Eating a teddy bear.)]

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