A Series of Photographs for your Consideration: Silhouettes and Shadows

Photography is a magical medium, and we love to use it to share the beauty that surrounds us in each magical moment! 

Silhouettes and shadows add interest to visuals ~ 

The subject yields to shapes and variance in dark and LIGHT

and new perspectives engage.
It is the contrast that adds layer of meaning to the image. 

Capturing these fleeting moments of depth adds to the profound nature of this ART.

We hope you enjoy a glimpse of silhouettes and shadows in our photography gallery:

Thank you for considering our creations!

View our previous photo galleries:

1   /   2   /   3   /   4   /   5   /   6

To see Eden Knight entries to the Steemit Photo Challenge #7 - Architecture: 

@everlove   /   @quinneaker   /   @saramiller 


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