Photogenic Adventures - Episode 4 (Return of the German Car Club)

Salutations Steemit Savants!

'GiftedGaia' (aka: Jason) from 'Steemit Talk Podcast' here to converse about some of the cool people/places/things I've seen with my camera! Prepare yourselves for...

Photogenic Adventures - Episode 4 (Return of the German Car Club)

In what is sure to seem like a pungent moment of "deja vu" for any followers of these Photogenic Adventures series posts - I visited my brother's German Car Club again for their Fall meet up event. Much like when I visited their Spring event, (linked below as 'Photogenic Adventures Episode 1') though I'm not a 'car guy' myself - I was met with group of friendly people & and fancy vehicles willing to have me there sticking a hand mounted Quadcopter camera gimbal in their collective faces.

It was not as large of a turnout as the previous event - yet the crowd that day was boastful and I think the DELICIOUS authentic German Brats provided by a vendor that joined us - along side the many different types of German automobiles - really added to the experience. On a personal note: I've been mostly gluten free in my diet since October of 2014.. but not on car show day.. on car show day I've discovered its 'ok' to eat 4 brats.. as is the way of my people.

I also broke out the Quadcopter for a bit, as it was a GORGEOUS day outside!

But first - lets take a look at some of the participants that day. Keep in mind this is a GERMAN automobile club.. so its all VW, Audi, Porsche, BMW, etc..

417German AutoStil - Line Up!

Here's some close up shots - pardon the lens flare, it was super sunny out that day

I LOVED how you could see the clouds reflecting off this Blue BMW. It was perfect!

Also caught clouds off this Blue VW

Beautiful Missouri Sky

The event hosted no contest - yet I'd say judging by people's reactions - THIS vehicle would have been 'The Winner' should there have been one.

Yellow Audi

Everyone seemed to be drawn to yellow Audi & the owner was a very chill & down to earth guy. (He spent a chunk of the day playing with someone's Dog)

Next I'd like to pay special feature to my Brother & his Girlfriend's vehicles - as they share a passion for this hobby and like to participate in these events together.



Side by Side

If you can't tell by my brother's plate .. he REALLY like's his car

Lets see what this looks like from the air

400 Foot Up

And lastly - here is some of my Video footage shot that day from both the ground & using my Blade Chroma Quadcopter. (editing done by my brother). The song used is one of my all time favorite DnB tracks "Beautiful Lies" by B-Complex.

Bratwurste Und Hockt - 417 German AutoStil 2016 Fall Meet-up (Ozark, Missouri)

And that my Friends is the summation of this "Photogenic Adventures - Episode 4". I hope you enjoyed the sights & story and please Upvote & Follow so you can find future "Photogenic Adventures" postings.

You can catch me every week on the 'Steemit Talk Podcast'! (Linked Below) where we discuss all things Food, Life, and Steemit Talk.

All photos video shot using a CGO2+ Camera.

Until Next time Friends,

Kind Regards!


(Who I am: @giftedgaia/we-rise-by-lifting-others-greetings-steemit )

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(Life is short - hence why Podcasting is Important: @giftedgaia/life-is-short-podcasting-is-important )

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(Photogenic Adventures - Episode 1 - German Car Club: @giftedgaia/photogenic-adventures-episode-1-german-car-club )

(Photogenic Adventures - Episode 2 - Super Happy Fun Airport Day: @giftedgaia/photogenic-adventures-episode-2-super-happy-fun-airport-day )

(Photogenic Adventures - Episode 3 - Shots from my Home:

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