ColorChallenge - True Blue Lobelia - Friday's Blue - 2 original photos

I never believed photos of lobelia flowers until I saw them in person. They are truly an intense blue! These blossoms almost look like butterflies. I like the white "runways" that guide insects to the nectar of each flower. I wonder what they look like in the ultraviolet wavelengths that bees can see.

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Sony DSC-RX-10, 1/100 sec, f/2.8, ISO 125

Are lobelias hard to grow? Well, this little lobelia loves life! It self-seeded in the crack between two concrete steps! It's only a couple inches high, but it's mighty! Have you seen any flowers thriving in difficult places lately?

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Sony DSC-RX-10, 1/160 sec, f/5, ISO 200

There are a lot of different kinds of Lobelias. This one is Lobelia ericus. Do you grow any Lobelias? Do you grow any blue flowers?

Click on these images to see some of my other photos.

Existential Seagull // Waiting for the Sausalito Ferry // Ephemeral Arkansas Creek // Pennyroyal Wetlands // March of the Sweetgums - Landscape Change // Snake in the Grass

** Haphazard Homestead **

*** foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land ***

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead - photos and all!

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