Seven day B&W challenge - day #3 - Desk Flair

nyhomahgawd, ok, so technically this isn't day3 because I totally missed a couple of days but ahh well. I have a life 😅

The fandom is strong in this one...

The Challenge

check out the rules, if you would like to take part in this challenge:

  1. 7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life
  2. Present one image every day for seven days
  3. No people
  4. No explanation needed
  5. Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in.
  6. Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags

Here's day#1 - Big Apple
And day#2 - Buried In The Snow

hope you enjoy the little tidbits of my life.

Now excuse me, while I try to finish something slightly more substantial for my next post. 😁

And until the next time, lovely steemians. ♡

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