One Day Travel (Photography) Fen Drayton Lake + St Ives 英国 Fen Drayton Lake 坐公交到 St Ives 游玩

Today, we walked through the Fen Drayton Lake to the bus station (Fen Drayton Reserve), then we went to the town of St Ives.

The weather is good, blue sky, sunny day. The temperature is 19 to 21, which is just right.

The views are great. We appreciate the nature for the beautiful views and such a great day out. Please take a look at the following photography taken.

离家走路20多分钟有一个公车站, 坐9分钟就能到隔壁村的隔壁村 St Ives, 于是今天一家人带着三孩子变徒步穿过 Fen Drayton 湖间小道, 早上天气还不错, 蓝天白云 微风, 温度19-22度左右, 真是舒服的不要不要的. 

 公车单程一人2英镑, 5岁小孩以上1.35英镑, 5岁小孩以下免费. 

 好几年没有坐公车了, 特别是自己开车之后更少了. 今天才发现, 即使是穷乡僻壤 公共交通也很发达, 怪不得这里总不缺蓝天白云呢. 

 照片是大部分是由我的单反+新镜头(24-70mm F2.8)照的, 少部分是 iphone se. 照片不按顺序, 就让我们随着照片来一起感受一下这英国的慢节奏. 

 河边 看鸭子 By St Ives Lake

 轨道中间顽强生长的植物  Unknown Plant in the middle of the bus lane.

 公共汽车有专门的轨道 类似BRT   Bus Rapid Lane?

 乡村里经常有骑马巡逻的   Horse Guard to remind you to be slow.

 Fen Drayton Reserve 公车站   Bus Station

 巴士站避雨的   Shelter 

 好像是航空学校的飞机   Learning to Fly?

 黑莓 Blackberry? 

 老二全程有人推着走   Too lazy to walk... Ryan was sitting on the pushchair all the time.

 蓝色的蜻蜓  Have you found the blue dragonfly ?

 隐约可见 Fen Drayton 湖   Fen Drayton Lake is a local popular place of interests.

 好山好水好寂寞  The path..

 通往 Fen Drayton Lake 巴士站的乡间小路   The little bridge (or bump)

 St Ives 街景  Street in St Ives

 中午在 St Ives 一家当地的鸡肉薯条店 点了 Peri Peri 鸡块   We had a peri peri chicken in the local fish&chip shop, St Ives.

 St Ives 石头桥  St Ives Stone Bridge

St Ives Street  St Ives 街景 

 St Ives 市中心有个湖  

 媳妇 @happyukgo 人像半身特定  Portrait of my Wife @happyukgo

 回家的路上到St Ives 街头坐了一回公车 Kids enjoy little buses

 英国人就是悠闲 节奏慢 懂得享受生活  The British know how to enjoy.

 St Ives 湖  Ducks.

 St Ives 街头的艺人 Street Performers 

 仨兄弟  Brothers.

 兄弟俩  Watching the street performers 

 St Ives 的建城功勋?  The guy who created this town?

 St Ives 镇中心教堂  Church in the central town.

Originally Published in Steemit. Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.  

原创首发 SteemIt, 非常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容.

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