Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Wet Season Visit Part 4

You all said more plants so here they are. Stay tuned because I haven't even imported our other two cameras that have John's photos and @modprobe's photos, as he used our third camera to snap some shots until I needed it's battery. My big fancy lens drains a battery like no other I learned that day.

Young prickly pear, called nopales here.

Elephant foot tree, I love these!

I've always loved ferns, partially because they're just the slightest bit different from other plants.

These pests are on our plants at home too!

We found this frog!

I love how they use the local materials to build awesome formations like these!

Cool pond they built to catch and hold rainwater, nice functional water feature!

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Truffle Food Porn
Fermenting Adventures: My First Batch of Saurkraut
A Walk Down the Coastera: Sunday Night Stroll

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