Acapulco Sunsets: Bright Ball of Light

As we near the end season and I start to go through these photos I'm already starting to miss the sort of cloud sights and sunsets we have during this time of year. Soon we will head into the dry season which is full of blue skies and lacking any rainfall. Last year, it was a solid 8 months of the dry season before we had our first rain this year.

We aren't yet sure but we think the last big storm of the year came a few days ago. It was a sudden severe storm with lots of lightning and thunder in the beginning only to sputter out by sunset. During the rainy season most of our rain is actually at night so this random midday storm seems a lot like the one that capped off our wet season last year. Acapulco's wet season likes to go out with a bang, literally.

I wouldn't mind the wet season so much if it weren't for the heat and the bugs, but honestly I am getting a little tired of the things that come with the wet season, like giant puddles and mosquitoes.

Even still, the wet season is worth it for the sunsets.

Here's the first part of this series of photos, from the same day
Acapulco Sunsets: Glorious Hazy Beginning

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Blueberry Drop Cookies Recipe and Food Photo Shoot
Sammie the Cookie Monster Photo Shoot
Acapulco Stories: Old Man on the Hill

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