Acapulco Sunsets: First of the Dry Season

These shots were taken last night as an example of the sheer difference of sunsets. It seems the locals have decided that the wet season is over because we saw a few groups of people cleaning up the roads just like that anarchist road guy I posted about earlier did. Here, people will do what they have to in order to get the job done and sometimes that means doing the work of the state for them.

But what about the roads? Here in Mexico, more often than not the people handle minor road repairs themselves. This includes things like filling in potholes or removing speedbumps that are a danger to lives.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Fermentation Adventures: Growing and Expanding Ginger Bugs
Restaurants of Acapulco La Concha Part 2
Adventures Around Acapulco: Random City El Centro Sights

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