Adventures Around Acapulco: Random City El Centro Sights

These are shots I took yesterday on the way to the central market. I took these shots of things that interest me every time I see them, even though here they're every day sights.

At night, these ride up and down the Costera powered by horses for pesos, much like a taxi or collectivo but more expensive and much slower.

The horses are kept nearby, there are at least 20 horses living in the city for this purpose.

Hotel Navegante is a cheaper option for people looking to stay at a hotel for less than 500 pesos a night. Last I checked it was under 300 pesos a night but I can't be sure. This is just one of the many super cheap options you find by coming here and just looking around for it.

One thing that costs more here than in the US is definately gasoline, which keeps going up and is about to hike again.

If you come into Acapulco by bus you'll likely end up here, where you can get a taxi to wherever you want.

This spikey little studio apartment is pretty cool.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Restaurants of Acapulco: La Concha in Costa Azul Part 1
Rebel in the Chair Photo Shoot
Acapulco Sunsets: One of the BEst From the End of the Wet Season

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