Adventures Around Acapulco: Central Market and Fermented Beverages

I just love this green, and it's super common here.  There are places available for rent in this green beauty. 

John stopped to get me to take a picture of this.

Such interesting properties here.

Burger Queen has awesome burgers. 


I took a picture mainly of the giant jasmine bush.

This place was awesome, selling everything from seeds to nuts to candy.

We bought all sorts of stuff from here, a lot of which I've been posting about recently.

The best source of dried pineapple I've found.  That bag was fifty pesos and it was awesome.

I give you, the Mexican grid.

Huge bags of dry goods.

Tasty looking garlic, about 80 pesos per kilo here.

We found tepache, mexican fermented pineapple drink made from rinds to harvest wild yeasts for the fermentation process. They add piloncillo as a sweetner and it ferments for about three days.  It was 10 pesos a bag.

It was hard to drink honestly, but so is kombucha in big amounts for me.  The little bit I tried had me intrigued. Stay tuned for one more posts of photos from this super fun market trip.

Check out some of our other recent Steemit Originals!

Adventures Around Acapulco: Houses and Buildings I like

Acapulco At Night: City Lights and Pretty Colors

First Omelette with All Homestead Eggs Food Photo Shoot

Lily Learns Spanish Through Food: Pitas

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