Adventures Around Acapulco: Costera Drive

I couldn't help but take my camera out and go all tourist on our drive to el centro or the center of the city yesterday. A lot of people are planning coming here so I thought I'd give you all a current dose of the city, as it stands today.

I'm often asked about the drinking water situation here. In cities, despite what you're told, the drinking water is generally safe just not really tasty, so pretty much everyone buys their drinking water, and these trucks drive around and deliver it to you if you pay attention for the songs they sing. I pay 12 pesos for a 5 gallon jug of tasty filtered water, plus 60 pesos for a bottle deposit if I'm not turning a bottle in.

These markets are primarily clothing and tourist trinkets. It's where we purchased our first hammock and I've sold a few pipes to a vender in there once.

This is VIPS, think Mexican Denny's.

Before, there was a sign that said I (heart) ACA.

Look for 329 Pesos a night you get a bungalo! Seriously!

This is a location in the main bay where you can buy tickets to the zipline, which is just beyond the edge of Acapulco technically, although it's got an Acapulco address still. I haven't done it yet, but when I do you all will know about it.

The place to buy tickets also rents electric scooters!!

The side of one of what used to be many ghetto busses running along the Costera.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Jungle Flowers A Photo Shoot
Farm Update: Super Hardy Naked Necked Chicken breed are surivors of Hurricane and Other Crap Weather
Adventures Around Acapulco: El Centro 1

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