Farm Update: Super Hardy Naked Necked Chicken Breed are Survivors of Hurricane and Other Crap Weather

Truth be told guys, we've lost most of our chickens from various things now left with 12 adult chickens of various types and of both sexes(not including the 13 small ones we just bought). There's also Meep but that's more of a pet than a farm animal. But we've got these two hardy bastards known as naked necked chickens, that's their variety. They're pretty hardy to just about everything and they've stuck around seemingly unphased where other birds have just dropped over dead.

So far, they don't like any bird we've put in with them so we just leave them alone, together and life goes on.

Very good with heat, draught and apparently rainfall.

A lot of farming is playing referee. Knowing when birds don't get along and separating them, sometimes it involves smacking a particularly mean bird around or isolating them completely to keep them from attacking weaker birds. Chickens are vicious and they die easily, guys.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Adventures Around Acapulco: El Centro Part 1
Wild Marigold and Mariposa A Photo Story
Lily's Bonsai Rose Bush: Vegetative Growth Adventures

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