Adventures Around Acapulco: Evening Trip to the Fancy Shop


The thing I love about Acapulco and Mexico in general is the sheer diversity in what's available. This isn't a city for poor people or for rich people, it's for both. Down on the coastera, not far from the Grand lies the store known as Sanbornes, sitting in the bottom of a mammoth blue building that seems pretty empty to be honest, save for the store and movie theater in the bottom portion. The store itself is pretty fancy, complete with a restaurant and professional bakery, somewhat in contrast to the street venders outside on the sidewalk selling their wares. We made a trip there with a @pauliepro, and I of course used it as an excuse to get some candies and take some photos.

Here's a shot of the outside, walking at night leads to bad photos.

Here's a shot of the other branch of the electronics section. In the past, I've shown shots of this store as we've purchased two of our three cameras there, but I didn't take pictures of everything.

I opted for some chocolate covered dried blueberries...I'll stick with raisins from now on haha.

I got two of these, they had an interesting center that I'll share at the end of this post.

Bugs! Garlic flavored bugs!

I almost got the book Miss Narco....turns out its propaganda.

See, interesting. I'll be honest, it looked better than it tasted but that may have had something to do with how they store them.

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Modprobe's Mansion Warming Photo Dump
Meat and Mushroom Lasagna Food Porn
Acapulco Sunsets: Crisp Clouds into Crazy Colors

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