Lily's Little Chicken: Meep the Adorable Fluffy Chicken

Now isn't that just a happy pet chicken? This was taken just moments after I cleaned Meep's cage and added a few new roosts. The moveable ring doesn't do well with how Meep balances so we secured it. I also put some sturdy wooden roosts at the top of it's cage allowing it to go all the way up and it wasted no time, instantly pleased with the higher spots. Chickens naturally like to go as high as they can to sleep and just chill in general, and that's my way of making it happen.

Watch, as Meep, who's gender still isn't confirmed male or female, inspects their new roosts pleased.

Adorable tiny chicken tushie.

Meep has settled in quite nicely and spends it's days singing to me asking for attention or snacks. I'll have to get the pictures from him later, but John has photos of the cute moment that was my chicken roosting on my finger for the first time. Before you know it, I'll be walking around with a chicken roosted on my shoulder.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Fermentation Adventures: Ginger Beer Success
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