Living in the Clouds: Return of the Clouds 1

Last night as I was writing the post about how I can tell when the weather is changing from pain it started to rain. It was a gentle rain on and off but it lasted all night and all morning. When I checked my birds today they were all soaked and soggy and really unhappy about it.

Today we ended up inside a cloud for the first time in a long time and the photos were nothing short of epic. Much of John's morning was spent capturing the quick moving cloud cover.

The wet season here in Acapulco will last basically from now until sometime around October. It consists of many rainy nights, some rainy days and hot and humid afternoons that put even the locals out. We've found ourselves with the near uncontrollable urge to nap during the afternoons lately, no doubt a result of the changing weather.

Living in a place like Acapulco it's clear where the siesta tradition. We often joke as we drive around the city during the hot part of the day that many of the bodies people claim they see on the streets here are actually sleeping, because there are people that'll pass out in the streets and on the sidewalk and they look like their dead sometimes. Now I'm sure some of the claims people put out are actually dead bodies, but it's fun to joke about anyway....for a nihilist.

This time of year is bittersweet for me. There are things I love about it, like the garden scenes and the fact that I don't have to water my garden. But things like the flying insects currently swarming me do get old after....about 5 minutes. I appreciate the change in weather but honestly miss having four seasons, complete with their easy to deal with pests.

Mornings like this are spent cleaning often. This was taken of me cleaning the solar panels just after I cleaned part of the house that had gotten a little flooded.

He took a lot of photos this morning so stay tuned, this is just one part of several.

Did you enjoy this post? Check out the links below for more like this one!

Living in the Clouds: Mountains to the North
Living in the Clouds: Meet Hurricane Max
Living in the Clouds: Crisp Clear Day

In case you missed them, some of my recent posts:

Mexico City Madness: Starting the Journey Part 1
Acapulco Sunsets: Turning Pain into A Secret Weapon
Natural Health: 5 Elements Super Nutrient Bee Product Blend

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