The Voluntaryist Dogs

I got this photo of Rebel dog smiling at his new toy. We got these yellow and black voluntaryist toys from Walmart for him and the puppies, who are growing fast and could use a toy to chew on now that they're a little more mature and a little less messy.

These were like 18 pesos each.

This photo is perfectly descriptive of Tiger. Always on the move.

Oh, and she's crazy. Crazy cute.

They seriously enjoyed these toys.

And of course, Rebel is pleased. His toy is now misshapen while the puppies toys are still largely intact.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Lily's Sensitive Plant: Cool Action Photos It Closes When You Touch It
Waffle and Oven Baked Bacon Breakfast Sandwich Food Photo Shoot
Acapulco At Night: The Mist Approaches

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