SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry Flowers: My heart outside my body

My flower 8.jpg

Being an artist isn't easy, especially in a big city like Los Angeles. There are so many people competing against each other, fighting for the dollars, that what should be a field of life and love becomes one of blood and gore. How low will you set your prices? Will you betray a friend to make that rent? Can you smile and lie at the same time?

I'm an open and empathetic person. I care, and I want to help. Traits that would normally be beneficial in society have become liabilities. So, I've been forced to hide my heart deep down somewhere secret and safe. It's only on special occasions that I bring it out. This self portrait session was one of those rare moments where I risked exposing my delicate inner nature. I did it because I was alone and safe. Catch me on another day and I'm a whole different person.

I fight every day. It's a balancing act of who I am versus who I must be to do what I love to do. Hopefully today will be a better day.

Thank you for stopping by and looking. If you want to see more of my work please check out my site


Shot details:
Camera - Canon 5DMKIII
Lens - 100mm Canon Macro 2.8 (at F5)
Lighting - 300W Fluorescent w/ no flicker bulbs

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