The 7 day Black and White P H O T O Challenge - Day #7

This is my final entry to the now famous 7-day Black and White photography Steemit challenge.

If you love Black and White photos and just can't get enough, maybe you'll also like my first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth entry posts.

- DAY 7 -

Unstable Steeple


Photo taken with my Samsung Galaxy S4

On my weekend morning walk through the French countryside, in the region of Burgundy, I came across this small church looking as though it had been newly restored. As it often happens when contemplating an old edifice, my eyes were drawn towards looking at the upper part - and in this case, the steeple. Nothing special there you may think... just another classic church looking rather European-ly mundane.

Well, it wasn't the steeple that caught most of my attention, but the round cloud slowly creeping up towards it. The bright sunshine highlighting its contour provided the overall scenery with an extra spiritual atmosphere. For a minute or two, I thought the cloud would overpower the pointed structure and swallow it whole!
The contrast between the dark shadows, heavy stones of the church and the lightness and grace of this bright floating cloud were enough to spark my curiosity and need to capture this mystical moment.

Thank you all for following my Black and White photo entries this past week. I hope you enjoyed it.

HaPpY HoLiDaYs everyone!

To check out some of my previous posts, click on the links below:

MOSAIC creation

Guess what?

Ferocious SteemCat

Catching CRABS

“Learning is not a race for information, it is a walk of discovery” - Jane Healy

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