Walk with me - Landscape Photography

I took this photo on an early morning walk through the French countryside, in the grounds of a castle called Le Château de Bresse-sur-Grosne, in the region of Burgundy.
The circular structure you see behind the horse is a dovecote or pigeon loft, translated from the French colombier or pigeonnier.
The first pigeonnier can be traced back as early as the Middle Ages. They contain multiple pigeon holes for birds to nest as these were an important food source back in the day, and as such, were kept for their eggs, flesh, and dung (eeew). Dovecotes were also used to house Homing pigeons - the super smart pigeons carrying messages from one person to another! (widely used in times of war)


Photo taken with my Samsung Galaxy S4

Dovecotes can be found in various Western European countries including Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, United Kingdom... but also in other continents (North America and Asia) with similarly intended use. They are often found to be free-standing edifices of a variety of shapes (square, hexagonal, cylindrical) with sometimes interesting roof structures.

Here are 2 extra photos I took last summer (still in Burgundy) which display different roof shapes:


Circular with small top wooden entrance

Thanks as always @juliank for hosting these contests

To check out some of my previous posts, click on the links below:

Walk with me LISBON - Part1

Palong HillTribe Woman

Walk with me LISBON - Part2


“Learning is not a race for information, it is a walk of discovery” - Jane Healy

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