Walk with me through the streets of Lisbon, PORTUGAL (Part1)


"Hey, wait for me guys!" is what I often found myself saying while looking at my Steemit feed during the month of November, upon returning home from Steemfest.
It seemed everyone and their mother was producing a post on Lisbon! Meanwhile, I sat there processing my trip and letting it sink in. Yeah, I'm not the fastest Steemian out there...

Now let's be honest, with the outpouring of Lisbon posts you all read carefully (wink wink), if I were to quiz you on the basic facts of this amazing city, you would have no problem answering everything correctly. "Riiiight!" I hear you say.


So, in the hope that I'll be bringing something new to the table, let's go for a walk through "my" sunny LISBON, Portugal.


As you may have noticed from one of my previous posts, I am a huge fan of mosaics. I can only let you imagine how excited I was at the mere thought of visiting Lisbon, a city where mosaics can be found around each and every street corner in an incredible variety of artistic patterns.

The tiles are appropriately called Portuguese pavement or calcada portuguesa. They are painstakingly laid down by hand, following a process created hundreds of years ago.


Being typically used in sidewalks, it is in squares and atriums that this art finds its deepest expression.

Sadly, very little new paving is done nowadays, and the entire profession is finding itself at risk. The long hours and low wages typical of calceteiros have reduced apprenticeships and thus new pavers.
Watch this short video to give you an idea of how Portuguese pavements are made:

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After living years in Hong Kong and discovering the magic of commuting on old colonial style tramways, I truly never thought I would find anything similar to rival with.
Enter Lisbon - a serious competitor!
The tramway network in the city has been operating since 1873 and is a much needed addition to the buses, metro, and fun tuk tuks (what?! tuk tuks here? weird). With Lisbon being built on 7 hills or colinas, catching a tram is often almost life saving!
A word of advice for the ladies: don't bring your heels. You'll most likely end up breaking them or coming home with a pretty little cast :)

Typical cobblestone street

Street view from Tramway rails


Lisbon or Lisboa does not lack in charming gardens, squares, and vistas. After walking for miles (or so it seemed) up and down the hilly city, taking a break in the sunshine while stuffing my face on a couple of pastel de nata - a delicious Portuguese egg tart - was more than welcome.



In the oldest quarter of the city, Alfama, you’ll find steep steps, winding alleys, and narrow old streets which give it a unique atmosphere.

You may still be mesmerized by what is at your feet, but don't forget to look up and sideways!

Aside from the impressive neverending mosaic sidewalks and cobblestone roads, you will be surprised to see that Lisbon's artistic feel also takes form on its walls.

Below is a collage of some of the ceramic tiles which adorn the facade of most buildings. I've put together the photos of the prettiest blue ones I could find in the city. Fifty (thousand) shades of blue!


More details on Portuguese ceramic tiles in Part 2 of this series


Just when I thought Lisbon couldn't possibly testify to more creativity, I realized that almost every tiny bit of wall has been used as a canvas.

I was very excited to see that one of my favourite graffiti artist had also made it to Lisbon. After seeing his "Exit love" signature graffiti successively in Naples, Florence, then Berlin, it was funny to notice he has also made it to Lisbon and made sure to let us know.



Labyrinth lines and patterns

Sticker war gone haywire


And here's a photo of me taking a break after walking all day through the city, with yet another epic graffiti in the background wall - An art piece denouncing Europe's controversial behaviour/policies when faced with the influx of refugees.

Have you ever been to Lisbon or another beautiful city in Portugal?

Do you know of a city which is as esthetically pleasing to the eye as Lisbon?

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Be sure to catch Part 2 of my walk around the beautiful city of Lisbon to learn more about ceramics, feast on some seriously wild street art, and discover its rich architecture.

All photos in this post were taken with my SONY Xperia Z3 (except for the last one - that's @abh12345's photo)

Please don't hesitate to leave comments, share ideas, upvote/resteem.

To check out some of my previous posts, click on the links below:

Black and White


Guessing Game

Secret Door

Map Location: !steemitworldmap 38.7223 lat 9.1393 long LISBON D3SCR

“Learning is not a race for information, it is a walk of discovery” - Jane Healy

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