The Bell Mechanism...(Saint-James Church Part II of VI)

I had some doubts if anybody was reading the text I write with my pictures, but now I know that at least 1 does… Yesterday I gave a hint about the place where this new adventure is taking place. I posted a picture of a “Thing” and asked to guess what it was… and @tattoodjay did 🙌
It’s indeed a bell mechanism, but I didn’t find it in a clock tower… it’s exposed at the entrance of the "St. James" Church in Antwerpen. Exposed because it’s not used anymore… it dates back to 1492 and has been replaced by a newer one cause… well, it didn’t work as expected anymore. I suppose the people in the neighbourhood were tired to hear the bells every 10 minutes 😂
Anyway, congratz to Jay for guessing what the thing was. You win… my eternal gratitude for reading my posts 😂

Now back to the subject…. I will have the opportunity to talk a bit more about the St. James Church in the next posts but first, as promised yesterday, how to turn the previous picture of the bell mechanism into a more impressive image… well, here are the results:

Detail 1

Detail 2

Laying on my back in the church (made myself very popular with this one 😄)

What do you think? Did I succeed in at least making the image a bit more attractive? Personally I think I did. (otherwise I wouldn’t post this anyway 😊)
The secret, I think, is to focus only on a detail of the subject instead of trying to get the whole thing in 1 shot. Add to that a little (or much) post-processing, some Bokeh, some B&W for the background and some desaturation of selective colours in the foreground and voila… you get a picture where people at least look at and ask “What the hell is this” 😉

Stay tuned to see the next pictures in this series...
Please, don't forget to resteem if you like this photo adventure... I'm sure others will like it too!

You missed the start the Saint-James adventure?

No stress... just click on the following thumbnail to see the previous picture in this series...

The Thing... (Saint-James Church Part I of VI)

Some other series of pictures I shot in Antwerpen...

Want to discover the Central Station in Antwerp? Just click on the thumbnail…

The Stairs... (Central Station part VI of VI) Arches Everywhere... (Central Station part V of VI) Can I buy a ticket here? (Central Station part IV of VI) Where am I ? (Central Station part III of VI)

Angry traveller... (Central Station part II of VI) Entering Antwerpen by Train... (Central Station part I of VI)

I also made a whole series of shots of a bicycle tunnel located in Antwerp in urbex-style. If you are curious to see them just click on the thumbnail to see the original post...

What's inside that tunnel... part VI of VI What's inside that tunnel... part V of VI What's inside that tunnel... part IV of VI What's inside that tunnel... part III of VI

What's inside that tunnel... part II of VI What's inside that tunnel... part I of VI

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