How to Yoga - Giving Thanks for the Journey

 Yoga has taken me across the Universe. 

 I am blessed to have traveled far and wide, and I take my yoga practice with me wherever I go. I am extremely grateful for all of the experiences that have been made possible through my love of yoga. I have taught on 3 continents and am excited to add another when I will teach at Steemfest in Amsterdam in November! I have come so far in my yoga journey, and I want to celebrate the path. Here are a few photos from my many adventures:

~ Temple of the Monkey in Cusco, Peru

~ a class given by donation at the Garden of Eden

~ playing with a friend in Norman, Oklahoma

~ overlooking a lake in Peru on the way to Puno   

~ more play with one of my favorites @everlove

~ enjoying the Flatirons in Boulder, Colorado

~ extreme love at the Taj Mahal

It's a blast to rejoice in this body across time and space! As I learn more and more and more, I like to remember just how far I've come--I didn't even like yoga the first few times I tried it! It was hard and not peaceful and I didn't understand anything. But because I knew it had been practiced with great success for thousands of years, I kept on trying--and holy moly am I glad I did! My perseverance has paid off a million times over.

Now, I am a confident yoga teacher, although I approach even teaching with a student's mindset. I share all the secrets I have learned, because I enjoy guiding others through the maze. I know how difficult and unnatural it can feel for a beginner, but I also know that treasures await if you can just stick with it!

For me, yoga is more than just an exercise: it is a way of life. I give thanks for the students and teachers who have guided me on my journey. Infinite possibilities are unfolding before me, and my yoga practice helps me stay grounded, centered, and receptive in the face of such overwhelming abundance.

💛 Sara!

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