📷 Geological Formations Landscape Series [original photos]

Shaped by Wind and Water

Today's post features a series of geological formations along the shoreline of a park in north eastern Taiwan (google map). Another post I made in the past also has photos from this place.

This place has some amazing naturally formed rock formations, while Keelung Islet can be visible across the horizon, allowing for some compositions incorporating both elements. The direction is also facing the rising sun, making this place a popular spot for sunrise landscape photographers.

"The Three Pillars"

With this HDR photo at sunrise I mainly wanted to show part of the formations up close with a wide angle lens. The Keelung Islet can be seen between the two left pillars.

"Keelung Islet"

This was shot on another occasion where I focused on the Keelung Islet instead, with the foreground rock formations framing the subject.

"Rock Mushrooms"

Another section of the formations featuring different structures, again with Keelung Islet in the background.

"Martian Sunrise"

This part of the park is actually off-limits, but a lot of people still come here to photograph! I post-processed this photo to make it less natural and more like a scene from a sci-fi movie, hence the name.


This was shot near the edge between the sea and the rocks, with a flash illuminating the foreground. Looking back on this photo, I think the sea is too turbulent and makes the viewer loose focus. What I wanted to emphasize is the foreground and in hindsight I should've used a neutral density filter to increase the exposure time to smooth out the waves.

Hope you enjoyed this post! I strive hard to provide quality content :)

Critiques and comments are welcomed!

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