Age shall not weary them - a trip to a local war memorial (photos for you to use in your own posts)


I finally managed to get out to a nearby War Memorial despite intermittent rain and it being quite a miserable day. The light was good for certain types of shots but a bit too grey and grim for some of the others.

Personally shots 1 and 3 are my favourites as they seem to have been ideal for the light and the simple composition works well.

I've posted some of the others as I know different people have different tastes to me.

Feel free to use these in your own posts if you want as per Steemit4free.

Assuming the weather allows it I will try to photograph some other war memorials before Remembrance Sunday.


These were processed in Lightroom and Nik Analog Efex Pro 2 (get it free here).

The Photos

The Memorial Itself









This is an extract called the "Ode of Remembrance" from the famous poem "For the Fallen" by Robert Laurence Binyon. It is hard to read on the actual stone due to the texture.

Here is the extract:

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

09 - There is a semi-circular area with stone carvings of text describing all the significant conflicts of the last 100 years.


The park behind the memorial and commemorative bench




A historical water fountain adjacent to the park and memorial - sadly it has been vandalised



If you like my work and aren't already, please follow me and check out my blog (I mainly discuss photography but I do other topics too) - @thecryptofiend

Camera: Nikon D800 with Nikon 16-35mm/F4 lens.

Photo Credits: All photos are my own unless otherwise stated and free for you to use under the terms of Steemit4free.

(Verification for me here:

Some of my other recent posts

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