Mountain Waterfall Adventures Hiking to Junction Lake Along the Creek Washouts 📷

I'm always amazed when I explore areas that don't have trails (and therefore people) to see what I find along the way and to some new and hopefully distant destination.

This series is from one of those days, I wanted to explore a route to Junction Lakes in Kananaskis but the trail that used to be there (although I never had used it) was completely washed out in 2013 flooding, I wasn't sure where or how to find a route. However, they are usually my favorite hikes really, and this was no exception, I love it!

These photos are actually a collection of just the small waterfalls along the way which certainly make some nice refreshing stops for a summer hike and they bring about a bit of challenge, as they are not always easy to pass by. None of these were too large, but I hope you enjoy the pictures of these falls on this hike.


I travelled up the creek bed, where the washout made some areas gravel beds and others still with falls, like this one here. Lots of these to walk along which made some areas fairly quick to travel. The day was 28km (17mi) so pretty long hike considering 1/3 of it was lunging through huge boulder fields.


You can see me in the green shirt getting a self timer photo along the river bed. My friend caught this on video, as I actually fell in the water trying to jump onto the rock. It was rather slippery. Sometimes photos can be painful and wet! haha.

These next three shots I really liked, as there was a short section of hiking trial not washed out, luckily along the edge of some falls that would have been a bit tougher to climb up them.



This area was completely covered in moss and algae in the water, but made for some interesting pictures.


These falls were each about 8m (25') high, so had to go around them up through the forest, there was no same climbing options, the rock was quite crumbly.


This one even had a really nice view from at the top of the falls, looking down towards the pool.


And last but not least, the sky turned blue and left a great photo to be taken on the way out along a few of the same falls.

That's it for just the falls on this one hike. I took so many other photos being out this day, I'll have to post some again for the trail and lakes I hiked to, it was all quite stunning. I hope you like them!

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