The Habitual Look of Things
Train windows thread through hundreds of textures, patterns and environments. The stop and go rhythm keeps my senses locked onto the mysteriously epileptic landscapes whizzing by. Brick, stone, green, parking lot, city, suburb... I'm easily seduced by it. Honestly, I rarely draw, write or listen to music while on the train. But I still create. My eyes queue in and ideas fly across them like slides on a film strip. This is my most creative place.
Every time I take the train I think about film. This is why I chose my image to be an animated cycle of texture and place. I'll end with one of my favorite quotes (one that many of my readers have seen me repeat)...
“If pictorial expression has changed, it is because modern life has necessitated it...The view through the door of the railroad car or the automobile windshield, in combination with speed, has altered the habitual look of things. A modern man registers a hundred times more sensory impressions than an eighteenth-century artist...” - Fernand Léger (1914)
This post is an entry to the @sndbox weekly creative challenge. "Where is your favorite place to create?"