Mystifact | The More You Know #2 - Bees have spidey senses!

Animals never cease to amaze us and bees are definitely not an exception. There is an entire movie about bees as a result! (The Bee movie if you were wondering)

When bees look for plants to pollinate, they don't just keep a look out for them, they don't just sniff out pollen to find them, they can actually pick up on their electric fields. Incredible.

The tiny electric field flowers emit move and bend the hairs of the bee ever so slightly just like static electricity from balloons (as shown in image below). This bending of the hair triggers neurons which send impulses to the bee's brain causing this "feeling" of flowers near by.

Until next time, take care. Mystifact

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The More You Know #1 - How to lose weight if you are 100% desperate

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